Evolve while maintaining
our pact with the planet

Our environmental management is framed within the strategic pillar of reducing the environmental footprint of our operations. In this sense, management focuses on generating continuous improvement processes to strengthen the sustainable development of our operation, establishing controls that allow the use of water and energy resources and the proper management of waste generated in the value chain.

Colombian environmental seal
Since 2015, CPP has been certified by the Colombian Environmental Seal, a distinctive feature whose general purpose is to promote the supply and demand of products and services that have less impact on the environment, by communicating verifiable and accurate, non-misleading information on environmental aspects of said products and services to stimulate continuous environmental improvement driven by the market.

Our commitment to climate change management is reflected in the definition of a clear goal, focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions with scope 1 and scope 2 by 50%, with 2019 as the base year.

By 2023
the intensity of CO2 emissions will be reduced by 50% compared to the base year 2019.

Climate change management strategy
Climate change is a global challenge that requires a unified and determined response. In the context of our paper production company, we recognize the critical importance of addressing this problem by incorporating proactive measures to reduce our carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices, positioning ourselves as agents of positive change.
We recognize ourselves as a major player in the fight against climate change, where preserving natural resources and adapting to them are necessary to maintain the long-term viability of our operations. The transition to renewable energy sources, process optimization and responsible resource management are crucial facets of our strategy to contribute to climate change mitigation.

Efficient use
of water
Controlling water consumption and ensuring the quality of how we return it to the Cauca and Palo rivers is and will always be a goal that is part of our strategy, since we know the importance of this resource for the region and the communities that live around the aforementioned watersheds. For this reason, we are searching for new technologies that allow us to reduce water consumption per ton produced.